Handle Jealous Coworkers Like a Pro With These 7 Tips

Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by Daniel Boyce

Jealousy is a natural human emotion, and it’s not uncommon to encounter it in the workplace.

Unfortunately, dealing with jealous co-workers can be a real challenge.

They can create a negative atmosphere, undermine your work, and even hinder your career progression. 

In this article, we’re going to share with you the top 7 ways to handle jealous co-workers like a pro.

From staying focused on your goals to addressing the issue head-on, we’ve got you covered.

These tips will not only help you improve your work relationships but also boost your morale and confidence.

How to Handle Jealous Coworkers

Jealous coworkers can create a negative and toxic work environment that can affect your productivity and morale.

Thus, learning how to handle them is a crucial skill for any employee to have.

1. Stay Focused on Your Goals

One of the best ways to handle jealous co-workers is by staying focused on your goals.

It’s easy to get caught up in office politics and drama, but at the end of the day, success speaks for itself.

Keep working hard and achieving your goals, and your jealous co-workers will eventually learn to respect you.

If you start to feel overwhelmed by the negative energy of a jealous co-worker, take a step back and remind yourself why you’re there in the first place.

Your goals are much more important than other people’s opinions or feelings.

Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and how to get there will help you stay motivated and focused despite any jealous colleagues.

2. Stay Positive and Professional

When dealing with jealous co-workers, it’s important to remain positive and professional.

Don’t stoop to their level by gossiping or bad-mouthing them.

Instead, stay courteous and professional in all your interactions, even when they’re being difficult.

Make sure to always be open and honest about what you’re doing, so jealous coworkers can’t misinterpret your intentions.

This will help keep communication channels clear and prevent misunderstandings.

You should also take the initiative to remain approachable.

Let coworkers know that you are open and willing to collaborate professionally.

This will encourage the jealous coworkers to come to you with any issues they may have instead of gossiping or spreading rumors.

3. Don’t Feed into Their Negativity

Jealous co-workers thrive on negativity, so don’t give them satisfaction.

Avoid engaging in negative conversations or behaviors, and don’t let them bring you down.

Keep a positive attitude and focus on your work.

When jealous feelings arise, take a moment to step away and assess the situation.

This will help you remain level-headed and stay focused on your goals.

When dealing with a jealous coworker, refrain from gossiping about them or talking negatively about them behind their back.

Negative comments or gossip can only lead to more drama and hurt feelings in the workplace.

If possible, try to have a friendly and open conversation with them.

Ask the jealous co-worker if anything is bothering them and be willing to listen.

This may help ease any tension between you and make it easier for both of you to move forward.

4. Address the Issue Head-On

If jealousy is causing a real issue in the workplace, it may be time to address it head-on.

Talk to your co-worker about their behavior and how it’s affecting you.

Remain calm and professional, and try to find a solution that works for everyone.

Be sure to be specific about the behavior that is making you uncomfortable and how it is impacting your work.

Ask for their insights into how the situation can be improved, and come up with a plan of action together.

It’s important to remember that your co-worker may not even realize they are exhibiting jealous behavior.

So take this opportunity to discuss underlying issues such as workloads or job responsibilities.

5. Build Strong Relationships with Others

One way to combat jealousy in the workplace is by building strong relationships with other co-workers.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who have your back.

This will not only boost your morale but may also show your jealous co-workers that their negative behavior won’t be tolerated.

Make an effort to form meaningful relationships with those in the office.

Take time to get to know them on a personal level; ask questions about their background, hobbies, and personal goals.

Show genuine interest in what they have to say and show appreciation for their work.

Don’t let yourself be dragged into any gossip or drama that other coworkers may bring up.

Take the initiative to organize team-building activities or social events.

This will help create a sense of camaraderie and build strong relationships between co-workers.

6. Learn to Take Criticism Constructively

Jealous co-workers may critique your work or ideas more harshly than necessary.

Instead of taking it personally, try to take their criticism constructively.

Use it as an opportunity to grow and improve, and see it as a reflection of their insecurities, rather than your abilities.

Listen and Stay Calm

Listen carefully to what your coworker has to say and don’t get defensive.

Take a few moments to think before responding, and remind yourself that criticism isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Focus on the Positive

When someone is being overly critical, it can be hard to find the silver lining in their critique.

However, try to focus on the positive aspects of the situation and look for potential solutions.

Ask Questions

Ask your coworkers questions to better understand their point of view, and use this opportunity to learn more about how they think.

This will help you become a better team player in the future.

7. Know When to Walk Away

If a co-worker’s jealousy becomes too toxic or overwhelming, it may be time to walk away.

Don’t let their behavior affect your mental health or well-being.

You may need to distance yourself from the situation or even speak to a supervisor if it’s getting out of hand.

Remember that your happiness and success matter most.

It can be a difficult decision to walk away, but it’s important to remember that your mental health is more important than any workplace drama.

If a coworker’s jealousy is causing you stress or fear, don’t hesitate to step away and focus on yourself.

This may mean taking a break from the situation or even talking to a supervisor about the issue.


Dealing with jealous coworkers can be a challenging task, but it is important to handle the situation professionally and calmly.

By following the top 7 ways outlined in this article, such as acknowledging their feelings, avoiding bragging, and focusing on your work, you can diffuse tension and create a more positive work environment.

Remember, jealousy is often a reflection of the other person’s insecurities and should not be taken personally.

By maintaining a positive attitude and staying true to your values, you can navigate workplace relationships with grace and professionalism.